From Saturday 20 May 2023
To Sunday 21 May 2023
Hits : 228
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Paul Lucas This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Queensland Historic Motoring Council (QHMC) (of which we are a member) is conducting the National Motoring Heritage Weekend at Ormiston State School on the 20th and 21st May 2023.
National Motoring Heritage Day is an initiative of Australian Historic Motoring Federation, with the aim being to promote and display Australia's strong motoring heritage and also show the community, business and government the strength of the Australian historic motoring movement.
These historic vehicles bring enjoyment to their owners as well as the public. Australia’s historic motoring movement has a massive input into the economy, with vast sums of money spent on restoration and maintenance of motor vehicles. There is also a vast economic benefit to businesses (e.g. motels, caravan parks, hotels, restaurants and service stations) in the towns and cities where events are hosted. Many Councils throughout Australia can see the benefit to their communities and welcome events with open arms.
Location Ormiston State School