From Saturday 01 July 2023
To Sunday 02 July 2023
Hits : 162
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Contact Brian Sansom: Mob: 0417 614828 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi Motoring Enthusiast
My name is Brian Sansom and I am a member of The Rotary Club of Gympie. We are a little over a month away from presenting our largest project, the Heritage Makers Fair.
Originally the event featured quits and crafts but over the past three events, has greatly expanded with the introduction of rare trades. This year the event has further expanded and there will be 65 plus artisans of 35 unique trades demonstrating all weekend. Plus the quilts. This brings in a lot of people from within and outside the region who are interested in things from yesteryear. See
The Club recently had the opportunity to apply for a grant through the RACQ Foundation, to assist The Gympie Gold Mining Museum repairing heritage motors and vehicles damaged in Gympie’s floods of 2022. This is to be achieved and promoted through the add-on attraction of a vintage,veteran and classic car display. The application was successful and the museum will receive the full $8,500 grant as long as our Club can present the display.
We will need to register the displays. An entry and exit has been organised which will avoid passing through public thoroughfares. Passes will be provided to all people displaying vehicles.
It is a great event and the Cooloola area is a top spot to visit at this time of the year. I am certain those who can make it will find a great deal of interest at the event for themselves and partners.Interested enthusiasts can contact myself on
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0417 614828 and hopefully work out some convenient display times.
If it was possible to circulate this message and poster to your members and associates it would be very appreciated.
I have attached a brochure that you may be able to circulate.
Many thanks
Brian Sansom
Rotary Club of Gympie
0417 614828
Location Gympie Showgrounds