The badge measures 88mm (H) x 82mm (W)
(same size as club window sticker)
and is gold plated with green/black epoxy finish.
The May - June 2019 Edition of Queensland Jaguar Driver is now online and available to members by logging on
Update on Use of SIVS Registered Vehicles
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) has recently clarified the way in which it interprets the rules in relation to SIVS registered vehicles, also known as club registration. The Queensland Historic Motoring Council (QHMC) which represents the affiliated car clubs to Government lobbied TMR to change the existing SIVS rules to a scheme similar to the “Impromptu Events” one used in WA. This “Impromptu Events” scheme allows individual members to initiate a run in their SIVS vehicle at short notice.
TMR has now agreed to us having “Impromptu Events” here in Qld.
OHMC Bulletin 2018-1 which can be viewed or downloaded from “Latest News” on the JDCQ website explains it in more detail.
In order to take advantage of these changes, JDCQ has upgraded its website and added an additional calendar for “Impromptu Events” so that any financial club member can log into the website and add their own impromptu or single vehicle event. The instructions for entering an impromptu event follow.
The committee draws member’s attention to the final two paragraphs in the QHMC bulletin pointing out remaining limitations on use and that the relaxation of rules is a privilege which should not be abused. Events can only be entered by financial club members and have to be entered prior to the start of the journey. The committee will be regularly monitoring the impromptu calendar to ensure the guidelines are being followed.
Log into the JDCQ website with your user name and password. Then;
1. Hover your mouse pointer over the “CALENDAR” tab in the top menu line, a drop-down box opens - click on “IMPROMPTU CALENDAR”
2. Another page will open with an events calendar, hover your mouse pointer on the required date and a small “+” box will appear in the square for the selected date - click on “+”
3. This opens another window, under the open tab “Common”, enter a title in the “Title” block.
4. Click on down arrow in Events Calendar and select “IMPROMPTU”
5. Leave “Access Level” as “Public” and “State” as published
6. Go down to description block and enter short event description i.e. “Run for Lunch”
7. Go down to “Location” and enter destination i.e. “Sandgate”
8. Now click on “Calendar” tab next to “Common”
9. Check that “Start date” is correct and enter start time
10. Go to “End date” and change if event is more than one day, then set end time or click on “No specific end time” box
11. Leave “Repeat type” boxes with “No Repeat” highlighted in green
12. Click on “Save & Close” wait until software confirms event is saved
13. As a check you can go back to the Impromptu Events calendar to confirm that your event is being displayed
I know this sounds complicated, but it only takes a couple of minutes once you are familiar with it
Paul Lucas
JDCQ Webmaster
The January - February 2019 Edition of Queensland Jaguar Driver is now online and available to members by logging on