Presentation Dinner – a night to remember
This will be a BIG night and truly an occasion not to miss! After arriving by coach, delegates will begin with pre-dinner drinks on the Terrace at Bathurst Goldfields function centre surrounded by autumn colours and soft live music. What better way to prepare for dinner and what is to follow; the expected and the unexpected.
While numbers are limited, registrations for this event are still open and I'd strongly advise intending members to register without further delay.
Concours event
The Rally Committee is delighted that the Concours event has attracted a number of entries in both the D'Elegance and D'Etat categories. I'm sure all delegates will be very keen to see the cars entered and to read about them. Concours entrants and their cars will be featured in the National Rally Magazine which is currently under production. Delegates wishing to enter the Concours event would be advised to do so soon to ensure their cars are included in the Concours feature. To meet the magazine deadline, the cut-off date for Concours entries will be 31st January 2025.
Saturday night — alternative for Casual Dinner Dance
The Casual Dinner Dance event on Saturday night 5th April has reached its attendance cap and a waitlist is being kept. The Rally Committee is arranging an alternative hosted dinner at a local restaurant. Dinner at the restaurant will be offered to all delegates on the waitlist who are unsuccessful in gaining entry to the Casual Dinner Dance. Registration Coordinator Bob Alexander (0448 001 021) is maintaining the waitlist and details for the restaurant dinner will be communicated to delegates on the waitlist in due course. Registrations will close on 31st January 2025.
Rally accommodation
Rally HQ (Rydges Mount Panorama Hotel), is fully booked. Our supporting hotels, Heritage Inn Bathurst, Littomore Hotel On Stewart, Bathurst, and Littomore Suites, Bathurst, are still taking bookings. In addition to these hotel sites, we have a small list of quality well-equipped local residential properties which are available for hire over the Rally weekend. If any of your members are experiencing difficulty in securing accommodation, please encourage them to contact me directly and I will do whatever I can to assist.
Entry to Rally events
Due to very high demand for certain Rally events, registration indicators on lanyards will need to be checked on entry at events over the four days of the Rally. To ensure entry, delegates should wear lanyards to all events for which they have registered. This will avoid embarrassment and, for other delegates, hold ups at entry points. I urge delegates to carry lanyards at all times including when boarding coaches ferrying delegates to events. If a delegate believes he or she will have a problem in evidencing registration via the lanyard on entry to a specific event, the delegate should make contact with Registration Coordinator Bob Alexander (0448 001 021) BEFORE attending.
Display Day only attendees – registration is still required
I am aware some delegates intend only to attend Display Day on Saturday 5th April. All will be most welcome BUT it’s essential each attendee registers via the registration website and pays the $15 per car display fee via the website. No display vehicles will be admitted to the display area unless they are registered to attend. No discretion will be available to parking assistants on the day. Display cars will need to assemble in Ray Bant Drive (behind Rydges, Rally HQ) by 7:00 AM for a drive of 3.5km to Bathurst Town Square.
Coach and bus transport
Coach transport will be available between Rally HQ (Rydges) and the three supporting accommodation venues (only) to coincide with the Meet-n-Greet (Friday 4th April) and the Casual Dinner Dance (Saturday 5th April). Coach transport will also be provided between the Hotels and Bathurst Goldfields function centre for the Presentation Dinner (Sunday 6th April).
A shuttle bus will operate to and from the display area in Bathurst Town Square (Saturday 5th April) and each of Rally HQ (Rydges) and the three supporting Hotels . Details of coach and bus schedules will issue in due course. Delegates staying in accommodation other than Rydges and the three supporting Hotels will be responsible for making their way to scheduled pick-up points adjacent to the Hotels. If delegates decide to drive to the Hotel pick up points, they should be conscious there will be limited or no parking available in Hotel carparks. Rydges' carpark will almost certainly be full but there should be parking near the Hotel.
On behalf of the Rally Committee and the JDCA, I look forward to welcoming you and the members to the 53rd Jaguar National Rally at Bathurst.
Kind regards,
Michael Collett
Director – 53rd Jaguar National Rally – NSW 2025
Mobile: 0420 248 700
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.